• Operator Workshops – Lismore Session
  • Wednesday 19 July 2023 I 3pm – 6pm
  • Location to be advised, Lismore

Ready to take tourism into the future for Lismore, Nimbin and Villages?

As part of the Lismore City Council’s commitment to reinvigorating tourism and rebuilding the visitor economy, Lismore City Council, in consultation with business operators is developing a Destination Management and Visitor Economy Strategy.

Join us for a workshop to have input into the roadmap for sustainable tourism towards 2033 and beyond. Together we’ll delve into enhancing the visitor experience, increasing visitor length-of-stay and spend, as well as achieving greater dispersal of visitors across Lismore, Nimbin and Villages.

If you can’t make the session, and would like to provide input, please complete this survey here: research.net/r/LismoreTourismIndustrySurvey

For any questions, and to rsvp by 17 July, contact Lismore City Council’s, Destination Coordinator,