Business Before Hours
In similar style to Business After Hours, we’ve introduced Business Before Hours (BBH) in Spring 2023. Held quarterly, it’s an opportunity to get together before the work day starts in a relaxed social environment.
Networking the Business Lismore way does not involve sales pitches or business cards being thrust in your face. It is about making authentic connections and finding out how you can help one another.
BBH is hosted by a different member business on the 1st Wednesday of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. This is a shorter format event to BAH. Starting at around 7am, the aim is to be done by 8.15am so we can all get to work! If you would like to host BBH, please contact us!
Members and their guests must RSVP to attend and members are advised by email about the next event. If you’re not a member (and possibly don’t know anyone who is), but would like to attend BAH, please get in touch – we’d love to introduce you.
Get Rebuild Ready – Northern Rivers Trades Catch-up, 6 December
Get the latest on flood rebuild contract opportunities. Learn about how the NSW Reconstruction Authority is encouraging and supporting the inclusion of local businesses in the reconstruction supply chain. Set your business up to be ready for the work. Find out how to...
Host Requirements
Membership. Yes, you do need to be a member of Business Lismore to host Business Before Hours.
A blurb. We will need a paragraph or two about your business, venue, etc, which we can use in the invitation.
A nomimated speaker, ie the person who will have 10 minutes or so to speak with the attendees. You can certainly have more than one person, but be mindful of time!
Marketing material. Certainly not required, but you can provide attendees with a brochure, cards, or other marketing materials to attendees. Please be mindful about what you may choose to hand out – lots of paper may end up in the bin, but a concise and stand-out brochure with clear links to your website or social media channels may be more effective. This can also be added to our website post-event.
Venue. Can be in your office, or external venue. Our first BBH in Spring 2023 attracted around 40 attendees and we would expect this to increase at future events.
Entrance Table. For name tags, attendee list and whatever else is required to check people into the event.
Refreshments. It is entirely your choice regarding what refreshments you choose to provide. You could provide a light breakfast for attendees, or do as our first host did and invite a food truck to attend – this worked well as it was an ‘industrial’ business and there was plenty of outside space. Please talk with us about this and we will endeavour to provide suggestions.
Support from Business Lismore
Setup Eventbrite event and email invitation to all members and non-members. Ideally this will be done one month prior.
- 4 weeks out, all information received and invitation set up; invitation sent in place of the regular Thursday eNews
- 3 weeks out, information included in regular Thursday eNews and first specific post on socials, tagging host business and encouraging members to register
- 2 weeks out, second post on socials (as above)
- 1 week out, last and final call for registrations at which point daily updates are provided to host business to assist with catering. Final numbers are confirmed the Friday before to allow time to prepare name tags, finalise catering and other logistics.
Setup of Marketing of the BAH event and Host Business on social media.
Administration of RSVP’s
Name Tags, Attendee List
Support to Host Business as needed.
Typical Schedule for the event
6.45am Host Business arrives and starts setup as required. The Business Lismore representatives will arrive with name tags and attendee List.
7.00am Business Lismore Board Members arrive along with attendees. The host and Business Lismore President, welcome each member. Business Lismore Board Members ticks off member and obtains name tag.
7.15am Business Lismore President deliverers welcome to country and acknowledges indigenous attendees, welcomes everyone introduces the host.
7.20am Host then has 15-20mins to showcase their Business to members.
7.45am Business Lismore President thanks the Host. Members continue networking and socialising.
8.00am End