Over the weekend just gone, we flipped over to our new website.

It’s minimal and clean, with most old data now stored safely in an archive site with only information from 2022 active. The majority of the archive is in fact thousands of photos taken at events going back to around 2013, so we were well overdue for some spring cleaning!

The new site has a reinstated members directory which will be updated monthly, along with a fresh new blog. In a nutshell and based on feedback from you, all content will be published on the website and shared rather than an ad hoc approach of publishing some in the newsletter and on social media but not always on the website!

We also swapped over to our new name and branding – Business Lismore – which has been a work in progress since earlier this year. We’ve nearly always been known as the Lismore Chamber of Commerce, changed to Lismore Unlimited in the early 2000’s and then changed to Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2015. I’m as keen now as I was back in 2015 to research the history of the Chamber. What we didn’t lose in 2017 was lost this year and that sadly included paper copies of press, articles and other memorabilia so if you can fill any of the gaps in our history, we’d love to talk with you!

If you need access to the archived site for any reason, please get in touch.