Regional Development Australia (RDA) Northern Rivers is excited to announce the rollout of their liveability platform – Live Northern Rivers. This is a companion site to the Jobs Northern Rivers platform that supports employment strategy in the Northern Rivers.  Businesses in our region are invited to promote their business, events and jobs for free

A Local Tenders portal on Live Northern Rivers

This portal is a summary feed of tender opportunities that are open with local councils and on the NSW government tender portal. The information is sourced from official tender portals and links back to the relevant procurement platforms for tender submissions.

Key things to note about the tender portal:

  • This is a single page that provides a summary feed of local tender opportunities;
  • Submissions must still be made on your council/government tender portals and procurement platforms;
  • This collection of tenders is sourced from your respective tender portals via API integration or custom data aggregation;
  • The automated dataset of tenders coming from each of the council tender portals are progressively being added to the Live Northern Rivers local tenders page and will continue to be populated over the coming week.
  • You can find the tenders on

You can also watch – and share – this short video that demonstrates the Tender Portal on Live Northern Rivers: Tender Portal on Live Northern Rivers – a demonstration – YouTube